IntellaTriage Insights: Our Blog

Hospice and home health regulatory updates, market trends, and after-hours triage strategies.

  • call forwarding after hours

    Your practice is focused on providing the highest quality care to your patients. You see them in your office during the day, perhaps following up with phone calls, and possibly even providing telehealth options to keep patients safe and healthy. When your practice closes for the day, your patients still need to be able to [...]

    May 26, 2021|After-Hours Care|
  • retain nurses through interventions for nurse burnout prevention

    Healthcare is a stressful business. Those who work in healthcare face challenges every day as they provide care and help to others while sometimes ignoring their own needs. Understanding how to reduce nurse burnout in your practice can help keep everyone safe and healthy, both physically and mentally. Burnout Defined Nurse burnout can have three [...]

  • Image of a nurse's hands overlayed with the teat Phone Triage and Schmitt-Thompson Protocols. This blog post is intended for home health and hospice providers interested in outsourced triage

    Quality triage services involve more than simply answering the phone and passing along messages. Trained triage nurses are equipped to ask questions that can lead to recommendations for care or instructions to seek immediate treatment, depending on the caller’s situation. Phone triage using Schmitt-Thompson protocols ensures that patients’ concerns are addressed appropriately and efficiently.

    March 28, 2024|After-Hours Care|
  • Schmitt-Thompson protocols for Phone Triage

    Quality triage services involve more than simply answering the phone and passing along messages. Trained triage nurses are equipped to ask questions that can lead to recommendations for care or instructions to seek immediate treatment, depending on the caller’s situation. Phone triage using Schmitt-Thompson protocols ensures that patients’ concerns are addressed appropriately and efficiently. What [...]

    April 7, 2021|After-Hours Care|
  • reduce nurse burnout in post-acute care

    While burnout in the healthcare field is not a new concept, the historic staff shortages brought on COVID-19- related burnout has launched it into the spotlight. There are a number of specific reasons for the high burnout rate, even during “normal” times. There are also a number of ways to reduce nurse burnout in post-acute [...]

  • affordable on call nurse

    Finding a quality nurse who is available on call can be complicated and even expensive. When you’re looking for help in your practice, you may need a different and more responsive solution. Contracting with a 24-hour nurse triage line can make finding an affordable on-call nurse easier and simpler for you and your healthcare team. [...]

    February 26, 2021|After-Hours Care|
  • improve aftercare experience

    Your focus on quality patient care shouldn’t end after a procedure or visit; it needs to extend through to the aftercare experience. Why? Research shows that each interaction a patient has with your team post-treatment can make a measurable difference in their outcomes. As a healthcare provider, it is important to understand how to improve [...]

  • telehealth solutions

    In today's continuously, connected world, information about any healthcare related subject is just a few clicks away. So it's no surprise how tempting it is for people to turn to the web to search for advice on health-related topics, especially when symptoms first appear or getting to a primary care physician for follow-up visits is [...]

    June 11, 2020|After-Hours Care|
  • Nurse burnout and coronavirus with a nurse leaning against a wall on their knees in the background.

    The chaos of coronavirus underscores the challenge that public health workers face in prioritizing their own wellness in the face of limited resources, brutal hours, and endless demands on their time. These issues are not unique to times of crisis, but it underscores a chronic and deteriorating pattern in healthcare.  With coronavirus and nurse burnout [...]

  • hospice and triage basics

    Between the aging population and the increasing awareness of - and demand for - services that prioritize the end-of-life patient experience, the hospice industry has quadrupled in size since 2000. Traditionally, hospice care has served the terminally ill by improving their quality of life and ensuring maximum comfortability. Triage care has existed equally as long [...]

  • Person writing patient satisfaction on glass with a marker and an arrow underlining the words directing upward.

    We are living an in era where people and patients expect solutions now and providers are expected to be looking at ways of improving patient experiences with nurse triage. One major change in healthcare the past 5 years is the expectation for immediate answers and responses from healthcare providers. Whether it's via the telephone, computer [...]

  • Best Practices For nurse triage service lines

    Between the ever-growing nursing shortage and the heightened demand for convenient healthcare options, the need for an emerging specialty service - nurse-based triage - is more important than ever. Implementing a nurse-first triage service line can help healthcare organizations rise to the challenge and, more importantly, deliver better care. Hospice and home healthcare organizations should [...]

    June 30, 2019|After-Hours Care|