75% of the week occurs after you shut your agency doors, impacting multiple facets of your operations - especially your workforce. Learn how CommonSpirit Health at Home optimized their after-hours with after-hours action plans that included outsourcing triage to IntellaTriage.
For most hospice and home health agencies, outsourcing a nurse-based triage service is more cost-effective and efficient than handling after-hours calls in-house. At IntellaTriage, we realize that hospice and home health providers won't trust your nurse-based triage care to just anyone. So here is a sneak peek into what our triage nurses do, who they are, and why they are so successful in this space.
Several years into the pandemic and the ongoing staffing crisis, nurse burnout concerns still plague hospice and home health agencies. Their nursing staff continue to feel the pinch of heavy workloads and understaffing. Hospice and home health agencies must find a way to support fewer nurses with fewer resources. To help reduce burnout, agencies can outsource after-hours calls.
When it comes down to it, the main decider in how you choose between nurse-based triage and other after-hours models lies in the patient experience. A nurse-first after-hours triage provider connects your patients with a live caregiver at every encounter.
Over five months, utilizing the improved protocols, education, ongoing tracking, and monthly meetings with IntellaTriage, Coastal Hospice realized over 40% reduction of after-hours medication call volume.
Regardless of how your agency operates your internal after-hours triage, appropriately managing these calls requires skills that differ from bedside nursing. Consider these best practices if your agency manages your after-hours call internally.
Understanding the different options for after-hours care models and choosing the model that best fits your agency's goals can significantly impact overall patient satisfaction, nurse burnout, and your bottom line.
"We started looking at a triage outsourcing company and then talked to our staff nurses: "What would you think if we did this?" There was a resounding: Oh wow, you mean I can sleep at night?!"
Quality triage services involve more than simply answering the phone and passing along messages. Trained triage nurses are equipped to ask questions that can lead to recommendations for care or instructions to seek immediate treatment, depending on the caller’s situation. Phone triage using Schmitt-Thompson protocols ensures that patients’ concerns are addressed appropriately and efficiently.
Selecting A Telemedicine Provider Patient Satisfaction. The Number One Factor. Patient satisfaction is an extremely important measure of any healthcare organization’s success, and is top-of-mind for all healthcare executives and clinical managers. Integrated healthcare system leaders responsible for financial performance should also be concerned about patient satisfaction. Systems which include everything from inpatient, outpatient, employed [...]
Call and contact centers are distinct models for business communication and share very similar characteristics, yet are vastly different from triage or other nurse-based services. In this blog, we explain exactly what nurse-triage and call centers are, how they serve populations, the key differences between them and how to determine which is right for your organization.
What Is Nurse Based After Hours Triage IntellaTriage answers the questions: What Is Nurse based After Hours Triage for hospice and what is nurse based after hours triage for Home care? We perform after hours triage for our hospice, after hours triage for home care and after hours triage for physician and other healthcare clients weeknights, [...]