After-Hours Care

  • Triage And Medical Call Center

    The home health space, along with the entire healthcare ecosystem, is in the midst of the greatest staffing shortage the industry has seen in decades, if not ever. With issues like nurse burnout, turnover and compassion fatigue reaching historical highs, providers need a way to overcome these challenges and recruit and retain top-level staff.  In [...]

    September 18, 2018|After-Hours Care|
  • Population Health and Population Management

    Nurse triage comes in many shapes and sizes, but at its core, this specialized service utilizes highly trained registered nurses to help lighten and manage a healthcare organization’s call load. Acting as the first line of defense, these nurses provide tremendous support to staff nurses - particularly on-call nurses - and, in turn, ease the [...]

    September 17, 2018|After-Hours Care|
  • Nurse Triage

    Nurse Triage Telephone triage has been around for over 50 years, but it has never been more critical to providing quality care and outcomes as it is today. Today, just about every healthcare organization in the country is dedicated to providing the best care possible when the patient needs it.  Having a dedicated RN caring [...]

    September 2, 2018|After-Hours Care|
  • medical call center

    When Is A Medical Call Center Necessary? To attain both business and patient care goals, today's physician groups, hospitals, hospices, ACOs and home care organizations need to deliver compassionate care that offers value, quality when the patients demand it. This new patient demand we are witnessing in healthcare is putting a newly developed strain on [...]

    August 17, 2018|After-Hours Care|
  • medical call centers and Medical Answering services

    Medical Call Centers and Medical Answering Services Are Not The Answer According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services the average person in the United States spends about $10,000 per year on medical care. And with the increasing population moving into the Medicaid enrollment age the growing need for healthcare workers continues to escalate [...]

    August 14, 2018|After-Hours Care|
  • Selecting a telemedicine provider

    Selecting A Telemedicine Provider Patient Satisfaction.  The Number One Factor. Patient satisfaction is an extremely important measure of any healthcare organization’s success, and is top-of-mind for all healthcare executives and clinical managers. Integrated healthcare system leaders responsible for financial performance should also be concerned about patient satisfaction. Systems which include everything from inpatient, outpatient, employed [...]

    July 3, 2018|After-Hours Care|
  • Nurse wears a headset sitting in a call center answering patient calls.

    What Is A Medical Call Center? What Is A Medical Call Center?  It is a company that manages   incoming  and  outgoing  telephone calls for patients and helps to manage appointments and messages and provides patients with information about illnesses, healthcare resources, services provided, or self-management of disease using licensed nurses is a medical call center or medical answering service. The medical call center is a virtual [...]

    July 1, 2018|After-Hours Care|
  • The 5 Key Differences Between Nurse Triage and a Medical Call Center in blue font and two images of a nurse and computers lined up.

    Call and contact centers are distinct models for business communication and share very similar characteristics, yet are vastly different from triage or other nurse-based services. In this blog, we explain exactly what nurse-triage and call centers are, how they serve populations, the key differences between them and how to determine which is right for your organization. 

    March 8, 2024|After-Hours Care|
  • Nurseline and Telemedicine

    What Is Nurse Based After Hours Triage IntellaTriage answers the questions: What Is Nurse based After Hours Triage for hospice and what is nurse based after hours triage for Home care? We perform after hours triage for our hospice, after hours triage for home care  and after hours triage for physician and other healthcare clients weeknights, [...]

    June 4, 2018|After-Hours Care|
  • Telemedicine and Telehealth

    Though telemedicine has existed for decades, the COVID-19 pandemic quickly launched it into the spotlight in 2020. When people were forced to stay home and in-person care became inaccessible, healthcare organizations had to promptly pivot to provide virtual care services. While a return to pre-pandemic normalcy slowly but surely enters our horizons, the digital transformation [...]

    June 1, 2018|After-Hours Care|