In today’s continuously, connected world, information about any healthcare related subject is just a few clicks away. So it’s no surprise how tempting it is for people to turn to the web to search for advice on health-related topics, especially when symptoms first appear or getting to a primary care physician for follow-up visits is difficult. However, WebMD and Dr. Google are no substitute for personalized, evidence based healthcare advice from a licensed nurse – utilizing innovative telehealth solutions.

This is why healthcare providers of all types (Health Systems, ACOs, Value Based Care, Hospice and Home Health) are turning to customized, nurse first telehealth solutions. These custom patient engagement solutions can help providers focus on both proactive outreach and traditional telehealth care. with the ultimate goal of providing convenient, consumer-centric access to high-quality nurse care 24/7.

Utilizing Telehealth Solutions for proactive outreach, follow-up care and assessments

Many of today’s patient engagement solutions leverage telehealth services to proactively contact patients and help them manage chronic conditions, post-discharge instructions and address general health concerns.

Proactive outreach is ideally led by registered nurses clinical and telemedicine training. These nurses will ideally have the experience to support patients along their healthcare journey, including:

  • Triage for patients that may be in a long term care setting as well as hospice, ACO or community health system. The patients in these settings require nurse care after hours while nursing staff isn’t available at the provider facility. With careful coordination nurse triage can help direct patients on the best course of action including coordinating after hours visits by staff nurses.
  • Post-discharge follow-up when patients are discharged from the hospital. When patients are discharged they are often confused about how to comply with healthcare instructions provided by their clinicians. With proactive, Nurse Lead Telehealth, follow-up it is possible to help patients adhere to treatment plans and reduce readmissions and calls to 911.
  • Medication adherence — Less than 1/3 of the population take their medications as prescribed, resulting in over 125,000 premature deaths annually. Nurse driven Telehealth services can help to monitor the use of medications and help patients follow prescription directions. This type of telehealth program can happen during the course of a regular after hours triage call or proactive outreach.

24/7 Telehealth Services to handle clinical concerns

Telehealth and Nurse Triage services can handle a wide array of inbound questions, calls and emergencies from patients or caregivers whenever they need it, whether that’s questions about medications, what do in a perceived emergency, requesting a nurse visit or getting answers to physical conditions, telehealth-trained a Registered nurse (RNs), can be made available to assess symptoms, provide advice and determine appropriate next steps and evidence-based level of care.  

If a telehealth service is integrated with a provider’s electronic health record (EHR) system, the patient’s relevant healthcare data, such as allergies, medications and health assessments are available to the licensed nurses handling the triage interaction. Access to this information means callers can get help more quickly. Telehealth Nurses are empowered to deliver comprehensive, safe care to each individual while providing personalized, efficient and better patient experience. Licensed triage nurses providing direction to the most appropriate care setting will improve satisfaction and reduce unnecessary house calls, emergency room, urgent care and 911 calls.

Tap into better patient experience with telehealth-based care and outreach

Telehealth solutions that incorporate licensed nurse triage services promote continuity of care and better long-term management of conditions while improving patient experience and outcomes are why ‘Telehealth Solutions Have Become The New Answer to Patient Engagement’. 

At IntellaTriage, we’re dedicated to making on-demand nurse triage more easily available, consumer-centric and cost effective. And we’re always looking for ways to elevate our clients’ patient experiences, including their after hours telehealth interactions.

Let’s start a conversation to find custom solutions that will please your patients and give you a distinct competitive advantage—and better care for your patients, caregivers and their family members.

Contact Us for a Consultation

Ready to optimize your triage process? Reach out to us today for a consultation tailored to your needs. Let’s elevate your patient care together.

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