Nurse Advice Line

IntellaTriage equips your patients with 24/7 access to an advice line staffed by licensed nurses. Our experienced team members answer calls, direct patients to appropriate care, and dispense appropriate guidance at any time, day or night.

Access Nurses Any Time Day or Night

IntellaTriage innovative triage solutions led by seasoned nurses guarantees prompt and personalized assistance whenever it’s needed most. Accessing a nurse at all hours ensures timely and expert guidance, enhancing patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Two medical providers wearing headsets, one sitting on a desk, looking at each other.

What is a Nurse Advice Line?

Nurse advice lines provide licensed nurses who can assess patients and determine appropriate care using standardized, approved protocols. At the core of IntellaTriage’s services are trained nurses who make informed assessments regarding your patient’s condition based on the patient’s description of symptoms and your corresponding clinical protocols. Our team members utilize industry-standard Schmitt-Thompson protocols in our nurse advice line, ensuring that your patients are directed to the most appropriate level of care.

Medical provider wearing a headset talks to a patient.

Nurse Advice Line vs. Nurse Triage

While similar in name, nurse advice lines and nurse triage services differ in many ways. Nurse advice lines seek to direct the patient to the most appropriate level of care, while nurse triage works within an existing plan of care to treat a caller. Nurse advice lines utilize standardized protocols to determine disposition, meaning they are most appropriate for primary care or patient populations that do not focus on chronic conditions.

How Does It Work?

Through the use of gold-standard protocols and the expertise of licensed nurses, IntellaTriage helps your patients access the most appropriate level of care for their needs. Patients calling in speak directly with a licensed nurse in under one minute. We provide a comprehensive summary of the encounter to your office, ensuring no gaps in communication between our team and your staff.

An elder man talks on his cellphone while sitting in his home.

Call Forwards to IntellaTriage

We use greetings customized to your practice to create a seamless experience.

Licensed, Triage-Trained Nurse Answers

Each phone call is answered by a licensed nurse, typically in under one minute.

One nurse looks over patient charts as another sits in the background on a corded phone.
Tablet display showing a medical record with a finger hovering over it.

Review Patient Records

Our system integrates with your recordkeeping software, enabling our nurses to review each patient’s record in real-time.

Triage and Care Instructions

Referencing your protocols, medical records, and patient comments, our nurses triage patient concerns. This may involve at-home solutions or in-office visits.

A nurse holds a clipboard with patient forms as she sits in front of a persona sitting in a wheelchair.
Elderly couple sitting at a breakfast bar, with the man holding out a medicine bottle while the woman grabs a pill.


Each encounter is thoroughly documented for your office’s reference, ensuring no gap in care or miscommunication occurs.

Analytics & Continuous Improvement

Our customer portal provides key insights into what happens on each of your calls. We leverage these meaningful insights to optimize your services and improve patient experience.

Medical professional sits at a desk, typing on their laptop in a medical office.

Discover the IntellaTriage Difference

By partnering with IntellaTriage, you can increase your service offerings and member satisfaction at minimal additional cost. To learn more about our nurse advice line solutions, contact us today.

Contact Us for a Consultation

Ready to optimize your triage process? Reach out to us today for a consultation tailored to your needs. Let’s elevate your patient care together.